Kit RAL 555

Kit RAL Stainer MCDh

May-Grünwald Giemsa staining

MCDh staining


Wright Staining

Brilliant cresyl blue solution

Carbolic fuchsine RAL

Carbolic gentian violet

Carbolic Methylene Blue

Carbolic solution for Auramin Fluo-RAL

Carbolic toluidine blue


Degommier discolouring

Eosin 225

Fluo-RAL Auramin

Giemsa stain in solution

Giemsa Staining in Parasitology and Mycology

Harris Haematoxylin stabilized (free mercury)

Immersion Oil RAL

Kit Cold ZN

Kit Diag-Oestro

Kit Fluo-RAL

Kit Gram-Hücker L

Kit Gram-Hücker R

Kit Gram-Nicolle

Kit Hemaperls

Kit HistoPerls

Kit MIF Color

Kit Myeloperoxydase

Kit Quick TB

Kit RAL Stainer Fluo RAL Methylene Blue

Kit RAL TB Prep™

Kit RAL ZN Staining

Kit Trichrome de Masson , Anilin Blue variation

Kit Trichrome de Masson, light green variation

Kit VB RAL 10

Kit Vita Eosin , eosin-nigrosin

Lugol Liquid

May-Grünwald solution

Resazurin Tablets 2,5mg x100 for milk testing

Sirius red

Stabilized Lugol

Staining with Giemsa L(slow) Solution according to Lennert and/or with MGG

Synthetic orcein

Thiazin Red concentrated solution

Ziehl Carbolic Fuchsin

Acid Fuchsin S

Bichromic Staining : Haematoxylin-Eosin and Variations

Bromocresol green

Reagents Technical Documentation (including MSDS)
On you get access to all our reagents documentation and media.
Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
Our OEM offering caters to companies looking for pure stains with rigorous adherence to specifications. We use tools at the forefront of technology, including optical micro-spectroscopy, spectral analysis of the image, recognition algorithms, characterization, meter catalog objects representation, and creation & application of classification tools.
Our R&D is attuned to the specific requirements of our partners, making us a reliable partner in the field of fine chemicals for laboratory diagnosis. We collaborate with major international in-vitro diagnostics firms that trust us with their customized solutions from development to delivery.
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