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We want to do the right thing

CellaVision strives to maintain an open business climate and a high level of business ethics. Compliance with laws, regulations and internal codes of conduct is a top priority. In our business, we care about safety and respect for all the people who are affected by our business. You have an important role to play in our success.

Our whistleblowing channels

Our whistleblowing channel is an "early warning system" to reduce risks. It is important in order to safeguard good corporate governance and maintain the trust of employees, customers, suppliers and the general public. 

The whistleblowing channels can be used by those who, in a work-related context, have received or obtained information about misconducts or wrongdoings to alert CellaVision of serious risks or actual misconduct or wrongdoings that risk affecting people, our organisation, the society or the environment. You can report breaches of EU or national law or other misconducts or wrongdoings for which there is a public interest for it to be revealed. You do not need to be certain that what you are reporting is true, but you must have a reason to believe in the accuracy of what you are reporting. If you use the whistleblowing channels to report misconduct or wrongdoings where there is no public interest or intentionally report false information, you will not be granted protection under the Swedish Whistleblowing Act (2021:890) (Sw. lag (2021:890) om skydd för personer som rapporterar om missförhållanden).

For the CellaVision employees please see the whistleblower policy on the intranet to learn more about what you can report on via the internal whistleblowing channel, how we handle whistleblowing reports and your personal data. For external stakeholders please see the lists with the external reporting channels in Sweden (Devices & Software - Lund) or in France (Reagents – Bordeaux)

How your report will be handled

To ensure your anonymity, the CellaVision internal reporting platform is managed by an external party. The communication channel is encrypted. All messages will be treated confidentially.