Our sustainability approach
We take social, economic, and environmental responsibility to manage risks, create business opportunities and build trust. It is an effective way to contribute to the development and welfare of society and ultimately to fulfilling our vision – to establish a global standard of digital microscopy in the field of laboratory medicine.
Our unique solutions contribute to the improved health of people worldwide. Through digitization and automation of blood analysis, treatment of serious illnesses can be initiated more quickly. With streamlining of the workflow in the laboratories, CellaVision contributes to better health care at a lower cost while digitalization increases the availability of better healthcare. Altogether, the company has a positive effect on the benefit to society and contributes to improved health globally.
Environmental Sustainability
Our environmental policy highlights the significance of environmental issues to our business and forms a basis for our environmental objectives.
Download CellaVision's Environmental Policy >
Download ISO 14001 Certificate >
Our Social Commitment
We care about people’s health and support the work of Médecins Sans Frontières to save lives and alleviate distress in disaster situations where the needs are the greatest. Médecins Sans Frontières works worldwide to assist people who find themselves in need with everything from psychological support to vital nutritional replacement. With our donations we can contribute to the building of hospitals, ensuring that more women have access to safe childbirth and vaccinate children to prevent outbreaks of infectious diseases. An important step towards a more sustainable future.
Financial Sustainability
Corporations play an important role in mitigating carbon emissions. CellaVision recommends its distribution partners to always choose the shipping option with the least environmental impact. Carbon emissions caused by CellaVision’s operations are mainly from business trips by air.
To compensate for these emissions, we support a solar power project that meets the environmental movement’s ‘Gold Standard’ quality label, which means that the project contributes to sustainable development in a broader perspective.
Download our Sustainability Report here >
Corporate values and business ethics
Values and business ethics are important sustainability issues for a knowledge-based company like CellaVision. Our Code of Conduct describes our values and provides guidance on how we act in different business situations. Our Code of Conduct is based on the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which together with CellaVision’s core values and policies constitute the foundation for our way of working. The fundamental principles of the Code are justice, honesty and legal compliance.
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