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Kit Trichrome de Masson, light green variation

Ref. 361350

Histology Human Biology
Kit Trichrome Masson Light Green
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Staining for Histological and Cytological studies of Fixed and Paraffined Tissue Sections

Staining with kit Trichrome de Masson, light green variation enables a trichromic station on histological sections with a specific coloration of the collagen by Light Green.

Mayer Haemalum stains nuclei black-blue or brown. Ponceau Fuchsin solution stains cytoplams red pink. Light green stains collagen green.

Information Request

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Name Reference Packing
Mayer Haemalum 320550 100 mL (Others packagings 1000, 2500 mL)
Fuchsin Ponceau 361770 100 mL (Others packagings 1000, 2500 mL)
1% Acetic water 361840 200 mL
Acid phosphomolybdiquel - 100 mL

Staining for Histological and Cytological studies of Fixed and Paraffined Tissue Sections

Staining with kit Trichrome de Masson, light green variation enables a trichromic station on histological sections with a specific coloration of the collagen by Light Green.

Mayer Haemalum stains nuclei black-blue or brown. Ponceau Fuchsin solution stains cytoplams red pink. Light green stains collagen green.

Information Request

Want to learn more about our product concept, request a demonstration, or just get in touch with CellaVision or your local CellaVision distributor? Contact us at

Name Reference Packing
Mayer Haemalum 320550 100 mL (Others packagings 1000, 2500 mL)
Fuchsin Ponceau 361770 100 mL (Others packagings 1000, 2500 mL)
1% Acetic water 361840 200 mL
Acid phosphomolybdiquel - 100 mL

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