
Education: Cand. Polit., Economics.
Other directorships: Chairman of Tandlæ - Holding A/S. Ordinary board member in Sonion A/S and Colony ApS. Former senior positions at Demant A/S, including President Demant Inc.
Independent of company and major shareholders.

Education: B.Sc. Medicine, M.Sc. Bioengineering, B.Sc. Mathematics, Ph.D. Neurophysiology, Ph.D. Engineering (hc), Graduate from Swedish armed forces language school.
Other directorships: President/CEO of EQL Pharma AB (publ). Chairman of the Board Bionamic AB. Board member Flatfrog Laboratories AB, Reccan AB, EQL Pharma AB (publ), Amniotics AB (publ), and Gasporox AB (publ). Founder of EQL Pharma AB and Flatfrog Laboratories AB, among others.
Independent of company. Dependent on major shareholders.

Education: B.Sc. Business Administration, University Diploma in Journalism.
Other directorships: Board member Exsitec Holding. Former experiences include CFO at Addnode Group, Acando and Protect Data, Board member Metria, and authorized public accountant at PwC.
Independent of company and major shareholders.

Education: M.Sc. Advanced Analytical Chemistry, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry.
Other directorships: Chief Commercial Officer at Visiopharm 2019-2023, a company active in digital pathology. Former experiences include Chief Sales Officer at Random 42 and Global Sales Director at Andor Technology. Also many years of experience from PerkinElmer.
Independent of company and major shareholders.

Education: Biological Laboratory Science.
Other directorships: CEO of The Binding Site Group Ltd. Former experiences include CEO of Hemostasis, Hematology, and Specialty Diagnostics at Siemens Healthineers and Division President of Clinical Diagnostic Division at Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Independent of company and major shareholders.

Education: Ph.D. Applied Mathematics.
Employed since 2000. Current position, Product Manager.
Board member appointed by the unions since 2022.

Education: M.Sc. Engineering Physics.
Employed since 2005. Current position, Engineering Manager.
Board member appointed by the unions since 2020.

Nomination Committee
Ahead of the Annual General Meeting in 2024, the Nomination Committee consists of: Christer Fåhraeus (appointed by Christer Fåhraeus with Companies), Nicklas Hansen (appointed by William Demant Invest A/S), Anette Andersson (appointed by SEB Investment funds), and Emil Hjalmarsson (appointed by Grenlunden CEVI AB).
Shareholders wishing to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee can email or ordinary mail to: The Nomination Committee, CellaVision AB, Mobilvägen 12, 223 62 Lund.

Audit & Remuneration Committees
Audit Committee
The CellaVision Audit Committee was appointed within the Board in 2011. The committee comprises Mikael Worning, and Ann-Charlotte Jarleryd (Chairman).
Remuneration Committee
The CellaVision Remuneration Committee was appointed within the Board in 2011. The committee comprises Christer Fåhraeus, Ann-Charlotte Jarleryd and Mikael Worning (Chairman).