Testimonial – Distributor LaboModerne
"Labomoderne uses the My.ral-diagnostics platform quite often, as it gives us easy access to the technical details of every product in the CellaVision - Ral Diagnostics range.

Registration is simple. This space gives us access to technical data sheets, protocols, safety data sheets, and other information about the product we might be looking for.
Distributors can provide their customers with the necessary technical documents with just a few clicks. Alternatively, it is also possible for the user to create an account and access all documentation directly. Importantly when the user downloads documentation, if it is later updated, the user is then informed of the newly released version so that they can update conformity files (in a process, for example, of COFRAC certification of the laboratory).
Most documentation is available in French and English, making it easy for users to understand.
Another highly appreciated feature is the possibility, for certain products, to have several technical data sheets and protocols where the product is used in several stainings.
In addition, other features are available to users, such as certificates of analysis, enabling users to manage all technical and everyday elements without going through their distributor. LaboModerne is very satisfied with Cellavision's technical support for its RAL DIAGNOSTICS range regarding accessibility and completeness.”
Jean-Baptiste Charlet, Product Manager at Labomoderne