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Product launch

Releasing digitalized feathered edge

Peripheral Blood Application 7.1


CellaVision® Peripheral Blood Application 7.1 is now available for both large and small hematology labs. Digitalizing the feathered edge makes it easier to detect platelet clumps and other clinically relevant objects*. The ability to review the feathered edge as well as tag regions of interest, further improves the lab workflow.

Apart from getting an overview of the feathered edge of the smear, the upgraded software also comes with additional and requested features. Some highlights below:

  • Possibility to categorize an order by color – improving organization of items based on purpose or function
  • Automatic Log Off function - assisting lab administration streamlining the use of licenses
  • Support from TLS 1.3 encryption – faster speed and improved security


Learn more about the CellaVision® Peripheral Blood Application 7.1


*DC-1 displays the captured area in 25x magnification, DM9600 and DM1200 in 10x magnification.

Please note that this product may not be available in all markets.