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CellaVision's Annual General Meeting in 2017 will take place in Lund at three o´clock CET on May 5, 2017

The superior body of the company is the Annual General Meeting, where the shareholders influence in the company is exercised. At the Annual General Meeting decisions are made on a number of central items of business, including the appropriation of the company’s profits, adoption of the income statement and balance sheet, discharge from liability of the Board of Directors and President/CEO, election of the Board of Directors and auditor and fees to the Board of Directors and auditor.

Shareholders wishing to have matters considered at the Annual General Meeting can send a written request by email to or ordinary mail to: The Board of Directors, CellaVision AB, Ideon Science Park, SE 223 70 Lund. The request must have been received at the latest seven weeks before the Annual General Meeting in order to be included in the notice to attend and thus the agenda of the Annual General Meeting.

To be entitled to participate and vote their shares at the Annual General Meeting, shareholders must be entered in the share register and give notice of attendance within a certain time limit. Shareholders unable to participate in person can do so via a proxy. Information about the registration can be found in the Notice to the Annual General Meeting.