CellaVision Annual General Meeting 2024 will take place on May 3
The superior body of the company is the Annual General Meeting, where the shareholders influence in the company is exercised. At the Annual General Meeting decisions are made on a number of central items of business, including the appropriation of the company’s profits, adoption of the income statement and balance sheet, discharge from liability of the Board of Directors and President/CEO, election of the Board of Directors and auditor and fees to the Board of Directors and auditor.
Shareholders who wish to participate in the AGM shall be registered in the Company’s share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB no later than on 24 April 2024 and shall have notified the Company of their intention to participate at the AGM no later than on 26 April 2024. Notice to participate shall be given in writing by e-mail to cellavision@fredersen.se or by post to CellaVision AB (publ), c/o Fredersen Advokatbyrå, Neptunigatan 82, SE-211 18 Malmö. The notice shall contain the shareholder’s name, personal identity number or registration number and telephone number and, where applicable, the number of advisors (maximum two).