CellaVision's Annual General Meeting will take place on April 29, 2021
The superior body of the company is the Annual General Meeting, where the shareholders influence in the company is exercised. At the Annual General Meeting decisions are made on a number of central items of business, including the appropriation of the company’s profits, adoption of the income statement and balance sheet, discharge from liability of the Board of Directors and President/CEO, election of the Board of Directors and auditor and fees to the Board of Directors and auditor.
Due to the extraordinary situation resulting from the covid-19 pandemic, CellaVision’s annual general meeting will be carried out through advance voting (postal voting) pursuant to temporary legislation. There will be no meeting with the possibility to attend in person or to be represented by a proxy.
CellaVision welcomes all shareholders to exercise their voting rights at the AGM through advance voting as described below. Information on the resolutions passed at the AGM will be published on 29 April 2021 as soon as the result of the advance voting has been finally confirmed.
The shareholders may request in the advance voting form that a resolution on one or several of the matters on the proposed agenda below should be deferred to a so-called continued general meeting, which cannot be conducted solely by way of advance voting. Such general meeting shall take place if the AGM so resolves or if shareholders with at least one tenth of all shares in CellaVision so requests.