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Patient case #1 - Sezary Syndrome

CellaVision DC1 and Software CDMS 7.0.2


A 67-year-old man presented with an extensive red, itchy rash on most of his body, unexplained weight loss, and lymphadenopathy. Testing showed an elevated AST, ALT, and LDH.


CBC result



9.3 x109/L


12.6 g/dL

Platelet Count

165 x109/L

A “blasts?/abnormal lymph?” flag led to blood film analysis on Cellavision DC-1.

WBC % x109/L
Neutrophils 36.9 3.4
Lymphocytes 6.8 0.6
Monocytes 5.8 0.5
Eosinophils 1.9 0.2
Others* 48.5 4.5
Smudge cells 105 / 100 WBC  

* “Others” were described as large abnormal mononuclear cells with convoluted nuclei.

Sezary Syndrome image 2

Side-by-side comparison of cell classes. (Cellavision DC-1, 100x, Wright-Giemsa stain).

Sezary case

Side-by-side comparison of cells is helpful for differentiating between cell types. Images were taken with the Cellavision DC-1, 100x, Wright’s Giemsa stain. A peripheral blood sample was sent for flow cytometry testing. The “Other” cells were: CD2-, CD3+, CD4+, CD7-, CD8-, CD26-, CD27+, CD28+, CD45RO+.

Diagnosis: Sezary Syndrome

Sezary syndrome (SS) is a T cell lymphoma characterized by cutaneous and systemic involvement of Sezary cells in blood and lymph nodes. Typical Sezary cells are large with high nuclear : cytoplasmic ratio, convoluted, cerebriform nuclei, condensed chromatin and inconspicuous nucleoli. Some patients may exhibit smaller Sezary cells (Lutzner cells) which can be more difficult to recognize.